Find your own style. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing and just follow the crowd.Use your style and uniqueness to attract the jobs and clientele that you desire. When I think of this tip I’m always reminded of Gary Vaynerchuk and how he built his brand by doing videos sharing wine[...]
Great social media programs are built around listening to customers, not promoting to them. The way we like to think about it is that social media offers an incredible, open-ended platform that businesses can use to communicate and engage with customers. That’s why we recommend using it that way! Social media is becoming a customer service platform and people[...]
Social media networks are like shiny new objects. We want to be everywhere at once and try everything because we’re sure that this network will be the one for us. But the fact is we’re all strapped for resources. So if you try to focus on lots of social networks then you’re setting yourself up for a[...]
When you get started with a Facebook page, you likely have a lot of questions about what needs to be done and how you should go about it. The most important thing to think about is your profile picture and cover photo. How can you catch people’s attention without being too flashy? Here are some[...]
There are no shortcuts when it comes to your social media marketing. That means you need to fill out your Facebook bio. A business’s Facebook bio is broken into multiple parts including: The About Section. The first part of your Facebook profile is easy to fill out. It should include your company name, when your organization was[...]
You have articles that you think may be relevant to your audience. Great! That can be a big deal and really help them to be interested in what you have to offer. But, before you hit the “retweet” or “share” button, here are a few things that you want to be sure that you’re thinking[...]
When it comes to choosing what color is going to represent one’s business, there is so much more than just the act of selecting a color. There’s an entire psychology around it. Warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow are often recommended as they are not only eye-catching, especially from a distance, but they[...]
Like getting fit and learning a language, chances of improving one’s social media presence are vastly increased by having goals. Knowing what you need to do and how you want to go about it isn’t only useful, but it can also give you some assistance in how you may want to move forward in the[...]
Have your social accounts contributed to this particular metric in the past? Use that information to set goals that are within your reach. If you’ve been able to reach a previously stated goals on, say, Facebook, you know it can be done. This can help you to look at the bigger picture and understand just[...]
Sporadically scrolling through Instagram, randomly liking a few photos, and posting a close up portrait of your dog’s face for the fourth time in a week works just fine for an individual using the platform. But you need to have a more deliberate marketing plan for Instagram if you expect to build a strong community and see[...]